Continuing on thier journey to bring the body of Siltanae to his homeland for 10gp our heroes travel through the Cut. A strange valley through the mountains with smooth vertical stone sides. Everything goes piecfully except for a brief encounter with an entomologist and some swarms of bees. Then a brief ferry ride across the Mermidon and reaching the city of Tyrsis at dusk. Interestingly Smog who is still asleep in the cart has not woken up all day. They decide to let him sleep thinking that might be normal for his kind and stable the animals and the cart. As they go to find a restaurant to have a nice dinner they notice how extra rude everyone is to non-humans here and that everyone is hurrying to get home as the night setts in this section of town. They quickly realise that they need to do most business through Redusia and Sissy, the humans, if they want to do business and pay regular prices. The restaurant owner tells them, when asked, that ghosts have been seen wandering the streets in this section of town and let his staff go home early because of it.
They then go to the hostle run by the local church which is near the cemetery. Redusia sneaks away to make contact with the local thieves guild and practice her profession as a thief. While Gilby and Hogdorf decide to stealth around the cemetery hunting ghosts while Sissy and Ethan fall asleep.
Twards the end of redusias looking for houses to enter she spots the ghost of a soldier walk into the alley with her but she manages to hide from it in time as it walks buy and through a wall. Meanwhile, Gilby and than from across the cemetery sees a ghostly figure of a young woman looking for something as she walks down the road next to the cemetery but she disappears before they can stealh too close to her.
Intreged the next day they head to the local hall of quests to see if there is a quest about these ghosts. As it happens there is and the clerk takes them to see council woman Lillianna Ravenshadow who has been tracking the reports and believes that something is disturbing the dead from within the catacombs beneath the city. She Authorises their quest and sends them to the bishop of the church to get access to the catacombs.
The bishop explains to them that there are probably many old enterances to the catacombs all were locked long ago and he can only let them into the first level from the churches basement and that many years ago a previous bishop sealed the way deeper but kept no notes on how to unseal it. He lets the group in into the catacombs and as they explored the area encountered the 6 ghosts that were looking for lost Items and a room with a stone door magicly sealed and 6 small cubby holes. The ghosts were a mother looking for her daughter lilly, a soldier looking for his silver sword, a scoller looking for his bronse glasses, a priest looking for his healing relic, an artist looking for his eagle feather brush, and a noble lady looking for her amathist broach.
The group go back to the bishop and ask if he knows what the priests relic might be. After some thought he suggests a Pariapt of healing and offers them one at the churches cost. They give the item to the body of the ghost who thanks them and staingly goes to a wall and puts his hands through it before going back to his body. Gilby pushes the wall where the ghost touched and a pannel opens to reviela a stone with a holy symbol on it. Unfortunatly the party does not have the money to go and buy all of the items so they return to the hostle to think. Ethan wonders out loud how hard is it to fool a ghost? An the party set out the next day to craft items for the ghost. Gilby buys a Lilly for the mother hoping it will do the trick.
The ghosts are all satisfied with the items and each shows them the secret location of a similar stone. They now have six stones and are confident they can open the way to the lower levels and find out what is awaking the ghosts…