In the quaint village of Culhaven, a peculiar event transpired. The adventurers, nestled in their beds, were haunted by vivid dreams of their companion Savean bidding a sorrowful farewell. Upon waking, they discovered that both Savean and Irena had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only the echoes of those ethereal dreams.
In a realm far removed from Culhaven, Savean and Irena awoke amidst a sea of tall, undulating flowers. The air was thick with the scent of wild blooms, and the sky above was a canvas of unblemished azure. As they sat up, bewildered, the deep, resonant voice of Savean's patron filled the air. Turning, they beheld a sight of awe and terror: a massive ancient red dragon, reclining amidst the flora, its scales glistening like molten rubies under the sun.
The dragon spoke of a spell, centuries in the making, now finally ready to unfold its purpose. Savean and Irena were to be sent back in time to retrieve the Ildatch, a legendary tome of magic, known for its sentience and power. The dragon's words painted a vivid tapestry of an age long past, where the Ildatch lay by the Demon King's throne, in an era dominated by fairies before the rise of mankind.
As Irena bombarded the dragon with questions, her words dissipated into the air, unanswered. The dragon narrated the backdrop of their quest – a dire time when elves and their fey allies were locked in a brutal war with demons and devils. In a desperate move, the elves had created a spell prison, an amalgamation of an elf maiden and a tree, trapping their formidable foes in a shadow realm. This event, the dragon explained, was their window of opportunity to secure the Ildatch.
Before they could digest the enormity of their task, the world around them blurred, and they were thrust through the veils of time.
They materialized in a dimly lit stone room, reminiscent of the ancient Anasazi dwellings, with walls that whispered of forgotten ages. Peering out, they saw a city sprawling below, its buildings clawing at the sky, and a castle looming ominously in the distance.
With a spell of feather fall, they descended from their lofty perch, landing softly in the desolate streets of the demonic city. The city was a ghost town, its once powerful inhabitants vanished, leaving behind only the mindless and the scavengers.
As they navigated the eerie silence of the abandoned city, a lemur, one of the dumb remnants, lunged at them from a shadowed doorway, only to scamper away into the darkness. The city, now a mausoleum of riches and decay, held many secrets in its silent embrace.
Drawn by the lure of untold wealth, they entered a manor, its doors gaping open like a silent scream. The yard, overrun with chained lemurs, was cautiously bypassed. Inside, they found a chest, cunningly placed upon a pressure plate. With a rope and a well-executed pull, they triggered a spike trap, narrowly avoiding disaster. Savean’s eldritch blast shattered the lock, revealing a trove of unknown spell scrolls and coins. Among these, Savean discovered a scroll from his patron – a scroll of locate object.
Their journey led them to the castle gates, where the remnants of a demonic procession lay scattered. Amidst the debris, they found potent weapons and healing potions. However, their foraging was abruptly halted by the attack of four territorial Imps. The battle was fierce; Irena expended her magic to dispatch the Imps, relying on a healing potion to mend her wounds.
The castle, surrounded by a moat of molten lava, stood as a daunting fortress. Using grappling hooks, they scaled its walls – Savean with ease, and Irena with a struggle, ultimately requiring Savean’s assistance to ascend.
Inside the castle, riches beyond imagination awaited them. The throne room, opulent and untouched, held gold and gems aplenty. Savean pried rubies from the throne, while Irena claimed a golden crown. However, their triumph was short-lived as they discovered the Ildatch’s lectern empty – their prize was already taken.
Desperate, Savean unfurled the locate object scroll, sensing the Ildatch moving below them. Delving deep into the castle’s dungeons, they stealthily navigated the labyrinthine corridors. There, they encountered a Dretch, struggling with bags near a secret door. A sudden burst of witch bolt from Savean ended the creature's struggle, only for them to come face-to-face with a menacing Bargura.
In a moment of quick thinking, Irena cast an unknown scroll, creating a rope trick portal for refuge. As the Bargura entangled Savean, he clutched one of the Dretch's bags, miraculously containing the
Ildatch. As he grasped the book, reality seemed to warp and twist around them. The Ildatch, emanating a power of its own, cast an unknown spell.
In an instant, Savean and Irena found themselves back in the dragon's garden, the tranquility of the place a stark contrast to the chaos they had just escaped. However, a crucial piece was missing from the puzzle – the Ildatch was no longer with them. The dragon, sensing their return, opened its ancient eyes, filled with a mixture of relief and concern.
“I had the book in my hands, but now it's gone,” Savean exclaimed, his voice a mix of frustration and disbelief.
The dragon, closing its eyes as if to search through the threads of time, murmured, “It is here, in this time, but hidden somewhere in the world. What have I done!”
The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air. The dragon, realizing the implications of the Ildatch's loss in time, knew that Savean's quest was far from over. However, for Irena, a different path beckoned.
“I need you, Savean, to continue the search for the Ildatch,” the dragon declared solemnly. Then, turning to Irena, it pondered, “But you, Irena, where shall your path lead? What destiny awaits you?”
As the dragon contemplated their next steps, Savean and Irena stood amidst the sea of flowers, the weight of their unfinished quest pressing upon them. They had journeyed through time, fought demons and imps, and touched an artifact of immense power, only to return with more questions than answers.
The sun began to set on the dragon's garden, casting long shadows and bathing the flowers in a golden hue. The adventure had taken a turn neither Savean nor Irena could have anticipated, and as the stars began to twinkle in the twilight sky, they knew their journey was far from over. The quest for the Ildatch had become more than a mission; it was now a race against time itself to prevent the unknown consequences of the book's displacement in time.