World: Exandria

Blovik Griblesnit is a resident of Bronbog that often travels to Syngorn to sell the Queenscap fungus he finds in the wilds as well as fulfilling the occasional special requests from the merchants if possible.
As a youth he and his friends were being groomed by a clasp member and performed small crimes for him. Which were mostly against the Iron Authority camps and storehouses. It was all exciting fun until things went bad one day and it was only due to his small size and a convenient wild magic surge which allowed him to escape but watching his friends get publicly executed put a stop to his days of crime.
Looking for a more respectable way to make a living he apprenticed with the towns druid apothecary, a female bugbear named Vargurr Butunk, who taught him the value of plants, how to find the rare ones, and turn a profit selling them to the elves of Sygnorn, as well as some other druid tricks.
Because of the unpredictability of his inherent wild magic sorcery he prefers to avoid using it and tends to hide that aspect of himself from others even though that power keeps building within him.

Food Poisoning

I think something I ate did not agree with me as I just spent the last day sick as a cursed dryad. After vomiting out the porthole from my room on the ship I spent the majority of the time unconscious. Once I was feeling well enough to venture out of my room I found out that everything has changed! 

Kalbrin and his dog were killed by cultist assassins' that snuck on the ship last night, Zero died by falling off the ship like one of his zombies, and Falan left to save his dryad girlfriend who was kidnaped to the 9 hells. Now Bumble is captain and Ignia has joined the group.

Anyway, we have a long lost library to find which is somehow supposed to give us clues to find and deal with this group killing dryads all over Tal`Dorei.  So we spent a day flying over to the area and noticed someone with a bunch of skeletons dancing around a bonfire. The others wanted to go in fighting but this is getting closer to my area of the country and things can be a little different here. It turned out to be a licensed necromancer from the Lyceum who got a bit carried away when he discovered he could raise more then his usual 1 skeleton a day.  We pointed out he was over his limit and then he dismissed them and we continued on our way. But this means that even though Zero is gone his last wish left some troubling lingering effects on the world. Ah, what is the worst that could happen. 

The next day we stopped at a town to ask some questions. You know like “Hay have to seen a library that was lost 2000 years ago anywhere around here?” – and Nobody has. But we did meet a human paladin named Alexander that serves all the gods. Bumble then recruited him to help in our quest.


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