I think I need to get better at writing in this book as too much has happened on the journey to this city that is threatened by a royal griffin to write about. So I will just write about what just happened.
We tried to set up an ambush for the creature and waited for it most of the day but it did not show up. We then went and found it's nest and it was filled with the remains of it's mate and young which looks like they were killed by towns guards. This explains why it kept attacking them. We then found a nearby cave that it was now using. While exploring the cave I accidentally set off an explosion and the Griffin flew out to the town and began attacking everyone on a rampage.
Gaul flew back to the city from the mountain while the rest of us traveled by turning into a mist. However, by the time we de-mist-ified Gaul had single handedly killed the creature.
Afterward, the warlord teleported us back to one of his strongholds where he forced me to join his silly group and had Fen Thokk join the group.
We then told him about the cookie curse and how out of control it has gotten and he somehow called in all of the Gods to cleanse the world of the problem. Otherwise the whole world would have descended into madness and death.
You know if this warlord can call in all the Gods to take care of things, what do the need to have me as part of their club for?
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