World: Exandria

Otto is a graduate of the Volstruker program at the Soltryce Academy. Where he studied to be a wizard. His first mission is to travel the world and report back weekly with updates of what he finds in the world. Typically a volstruker graduate will be recalled to Rexxentrum after a few years for more specific missions.
STR 8 – DEX 15 – CON 14 – INT 14 – WIZ 0 – CHA 14

A Brief Respite and Preparations

After dealing with Yarno, we all needed a moment, so we ended up taking a short break on the roof. It gave us a bit of peace before diving back into the chaos. Syndra got in touch with her contact, Y, who dropped quite the bomb on us: the cult's planning to summon Orcus back into our world tomorrow morning, sometime between 5 and 9am. Not exactly the news we hoped for. It feels like we're set up to fail, but it's all about minimizing the damage now. Best case, we stop Orcus from fully coming through but have to deal with his undead champions and any smaller dragons lurking around the city. Worst case, we fail completely, and Orcus is back for good.

After digesting that delightful bit of information, we went to update the city guard about what's coming. They needed to know, even if it's just to brace for impact. They are going to evacuate the section of the city near the crack to the abyss. Next stop was the bank, where we managed to drain Yarno's account—felt good to hit him where it hurts, even after the fact.

I then tagged along with Rick to the pawn shop to settle my debt with the thieves' guild, at least the money part of it. While there, I picked up some scrolls and healing potions; can never have too many of those, especially with what's coming.

The rest of the gang headed to the lake to deal with the dragon bones while I took a moment to write a report back to the empire. They need to be in the loop about everything going on here, just in case things go south. It's hard to believe it's only been a week since my last report. Feels like a lifetime ago. Meeting this group, learning about the Orcus threat, and everything since—it's been non-stop. Here's hoping we can pull through tomorrow.

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